The Basement

The basement of Rock bottom. The bottom of the bottoms. The lowest of the lowest. The darkest place to ever exist.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the dark side.

Life has its ups and downs. The ups are glorified, celebrated, and cheered on. The upside is the green grass on the other side. The attic that lets the sun rays earliest in the morning. The balcony that has the best sunset view. The face of the coin everyone envies. The best.
The downs, on the other side, are lonely. They are the dark basement that is poorly ventilated and rarely cleaned if ever. The garage is marked with year-old oil stains and smells of rust. This site is rock bottom.

Have you hit rock bottom this year?

Down there, it quickly gets claustrophobic. There is barely any space to breathe. The mind gets into a vicious rumination loop. Suddenly all events are linked up. The loss of a pet is linked to the loss of friendships, loss of jobs failure in school to even being late for an event. An endless list, it becomes. The positive lens of life is clouded and negativity reigns.

The body fights the mind. Showing up for daily activities is more draining than it should be. Masking becomes a necessity and with time one develops different personas to match the audience. Time alone becomes fearful. The nights become longer and the mornings evasive. As if in solidarity, sleeps also exits giving the ruminating mind an entire dance floor to slowly choreograph more sadness.

For days, weeks, and months. The body fights. Strongly, it does but only loses the little energy it has. It drains out and takes a break. A break so untimely that the basement becomes homier and sadness becomes the norm. The will to fight disappears and life loses meaning. To some this is the sad end and six feet down becomes an undesired address.

The lowest points of life are the darkest. One wishes to hold on to the good times but at that time the mind pulls the amnesia card. Darkness gets darker and no amount of otherwise explanations make sense. The basement of Rock bottom.

Dear friends,
Down there, a shout for help can shine the light that you direly need and rejuvenate your will to fight. A bang on the door can alert your friends that you are trapped and need help. At times, though, the energy to seek help is non-existent. The idea that no one is around to hear leave alone listen to your call for help crashes the hope of getting help. The realization that it is you and you only, puts off that flicker of hope.
If you are down there, hold on a little longer. If it hurts, let it hurt. Let nobody ask you to justify your emotions. Write about it, sing, dance, scream; do what makes you happy. Color your basement in your favorite color. Hold a party and dance with your thoughts. However, keep in mind to not make it too homey. Allow yourself to go through metamorphosis. Strategize your way out and when you are ready, climb back up. The basement is the lowest it can get and once there, the only way is up. Gather the will and emerge better and stronger.

You’ve got this!!!

Heeeey friends
If you are going through a rough patch, don’t rest there, we are waiting for you on the other end.
Guys, I have been to the basement but I climbed up better and stronger.
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Till next time


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