Why your beard is not growing

Think of pins and needles on your skin. That tingling sensation brings about a thrill. Do you know what causes a tingling feeling especially on your neck or cheek? I bet you don’t; it’s a grizzled beard.

Men’s facial hair is a mixed bag that often arouses mixed reactions. For the longest time, beards have been used as a sign of maturity and wisdom. It is usual to see the old men in your village keeping a full often not well-kept beard and flaunting it proudly on their faces. The beard is a marker of transition from childhood to manhood. Once a boy starts to grow facial hair, their title changes to a man and they are expected to behave like one.

Keeping a beard is a personal decision that is influenced by the crowd around you. Even so, scientific factors shape the direction in which an individual takes on whether to keep a beard or not. A few days ago, my friend and I had a casual conversation if we would prefer a bearded guy or not. Personally, I love the tingles and soft prickles from a full well kept beard but some prefer a smooth chin or maybe a goatee. Research has revealed that men with beards are seen as more attractive, are protected from certain diseases, and convey outwardly a confident sense of masculinity. On the other hand, the clean-shaven look is one that has beaten the test of time and is deemed by some as a professional and sexy look. Trends on keeping beards, keeping a mustache, or a goatee has come and will still come but many will still go for the clean-shaven look; it all trickles down to grooming. Some of the men walking the streets have a full beard that shouts untidy from a mile away. Growing a beard is easy but grooming it is a task that not everyone is good at.

Bearded men portray outward masculinity that is hard to replicate sans facial. The lack of facial hair in men is a common source of insecurity. Some men report that it weakens their self-esteem because their masculinity is not painted on their faces. Having a smooth non shaven chin triggers a backlash of jokes and fun which in turn tints the individual’s confidence. Habitually, men without facial hair or whose facial hair takes longer to grow are easily picked on by their friends. In halfhearted conversations, their opinions are easily downplayed especially on matters deemed manly. Masculinity is tethered to the thickness of a beard in a direct proportionality and this is the root of insecurity in most sons of Adam.

Even so, science explains the reasons for a smooth non shaven chin in men;

  • Genetics

The genes that govern your body highly contribute to whether you will grow a thick beard and how long it will take. If your dad and granddad have a thick beard, then chances are high, you too will grow a full beard. The sensitivity of the hair follicles to the hormones that stimulate growth is determined to a large percentage by genetics.

  • Alopecia barbae

This is an autoimmune condition where the body attacks hair follicles and causes the hair on the beard to fall out in patches. The good news is that doctors can prescribe a regimen of drugs that can help the hair to grow back.

  • Low testosterone

Low testosterone can be the cause of poor beard growth. People with clinically low levels of testosterone have little or next to no facial hairs. Clinically low levels of this hormone come with other signs as less muscle bulk, sleep disturbances, fatigue, reduced sex drive and reduced erectile function.

By and by, beards are a piece of jewelry so versatile so much so that it can be worn in more than 100 known ways. Nevertheless, not everyone loves jewelry.


Hello my loyal royalty

Its Movember!!

Movember revolves around growing a moustache in the month of November to help raise awareness on men health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, men’s’ suicide among others.

If I could grow one, I would definitely keep it.

Your highness please let your moustache show this month.

Till next Tuesday, stay safe!

Let’s keep the conversation going on Instagram @faithdaktari

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