The year is 2020
Can we uninstall 2020 and install it again?This version has a virus.
Today is the 11th day of my corona virus quarantine and to be honest, I am running out of everything. Fun, enthusiasm, energy not to mention the snacks I had stocked up that didn’t even last for 2 days.I write this cozied up in a coach covered in two throw blankets, 2 pairs of socks, a pair of mittens and an over-sized Bennie hanging over my head. Almost everything is borrowed from my father’s closet and I love the warmth these balls of wool can retain. This Bennie is falling over my face and I have to keep pulling it up and out of my face, it’s annoying but the warmth on my head is more than its annoyance. This place is freezing cold and the clouds have the guts to shower everything that dares to show its face underneath them. Not like I am complaining, because for some reason the monotonous sound of rainfall is retaining my sanity at this point and at least giving me other than music to listen to.It’s almost two weeks of sudden life change. Everyone’s life was thrown into turmoil and a huge cloud of uncertainty. Schools were closed indefinitely and businesses stare at a looming disaster straight into the eye. Was it expected, may be, is it accepted, just but a few. It is the COVID-19 pandemic. For the first time in almost 2 years, I have been following the news diligently, almost as though I am on a pay roll. Not only local news but also international news and for the first time in a long time, I can actually tolerate BBC and Aljazeera for more than the millisecond it takes to switch between channels. (They actually have good programs; give them an hour of your time). The corona pandemic has me waiting for press briefing with as much eagerness as waiting for my favorite TV series to begin after its 5 minutes late. I can’t believe I am not complaining about the “We interrupt normal broadcasting to bring the following live event” courteous message that announces more often a press briefing by the Ministry of Health (GoK) officials. Not because I enjoy the 15 or so minutes but I am on mission to stay up to date. We are living in an era in which you can’t afford to miss a press briefing least you are caught up in a curfew unaware that it is five minutes past 7.00 pm that is a now a crime.A lot has been discussed about the corona virus and to be honest it can be overwhelming at times. Guidelines, preventive measures, government directives, mention it. Every other channel on TV is about this pandemic, the headlines are this or that about Corona pandemic. By yesterday (Fri. 27th March) evening, Kenya had 31 confirmed cases of corona virus disease. I am writing this from somewhere in county 031 so this number is closer home. The number of casualties is rising, at an alarming rate I must add. The question is, will I fall victim? The number of contact cases to be traced is ever on the rise and I fear that this number will continue to rise. This is why it’s a pandemic.To be honest, I have felt the disease in me for quite some time and I know you have too. Only the absence of fever is what is giving me sleep at night. This is anxiety. A lot has been written about this novel virus and all that information is just a click away on Google albeit a few being emphasized time and again.The hardest bit has been the guideline to avoid touching my face with dirty hands. Frankly, I have tried my best to implement and the good news is I can finally keep my hands to myself and out of my face. A friend advised me to try pepper but I hate pain in all its form. Thank you though; it’s the thought that counts.
Be cautious and not anxious.
Breathe in and relax, it is a passing cloud. My seventh sense is strongly of the idea that this will definitely pass, and bring to light, the sun with its light, behind which is normalcy. I honestly don’t know for how long I can remain indoors without at least a short outdoor escapade. I am not an outdoor person but I loved it when I had the option.This blanket is getting a little bit too warm for my brain to function properly and my eyelids are growing heavier with every passing minute. My bennie is proving difficult to retain out of my face. With due respect to my sleeping time, I think it’s time I had my 7th nap of the day. Ladies and gentlemen, shall we. I need you on the other side of this pandemic in one piece because I think you deserve a proper treat after agreeing to stay at home.Stay safe. Wash your hands. Maintain social distancing. STAY AT HOME. Do you even know how many tiles layer your bathroom? Get up and get busy!*************Where have I been?I have been on instagram (like literally.) I honestly did not know one can post that much amazing content in one month.Catch a snippet of what I have been up to on Instagram @faithdaktariFollow me @faithdaktari for amazing content and . See you there and support my journey to 1k followers.
What a piece! Nice one Daktari
It is indeed a good piece, creativity at it’s best. I like how you blended the health directives in your work, using real time challenges to educate the world.
The end justifies the means. The message has to get home
Can we uninstall 2020 and install it again?This version has a virus.
Such a masterpiece…stay home is the catchphrase.
Wow thats intriguing for sure.thanks doc
Breaking: 28/3/2020,
Italy reports 5,974 new #COVID19 cases and 889 new deaths today.
Belgium, USA and Portugal record biggest increase in numbers in 24 hours.
In every country, Coronavirus starts with jokes and memes, then it goes to the “it’s just flu” phase, then a little caution, a few people washing there hands here and laughing and some dodging the government directives there, then some fear and finally, people literally gasping for breath and dying.
Kenya am informed has only 200 ventilators! Oh God have mercy.
So stay at home, keep social distance, wash your hands with soap and water or sanitizer, obey your government and let’s cut the chain of infection and free our country. Failure to which, MORE THAN 75% Kenyans may perish.
For the first time, hardheadedness doesn’t help here.
Poor Son Of The Soil.
Staying at home is what will help
Great content here ……hooked
May the departed souls find as the rest of find the energy to cope with the challenges this pandemic causes to us! We learn we live.Your writing is stupendous! Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone. From: Faith_DaktariSent: Jumamosi, 28 Machi 2020 19:54To: oliveradeka@gmail.comReply To: Faith_DaktariSubject: [New post] The year is 2020
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faithdaktari posted: ”
For a moment, I would like us to thin back to the night of 31st December 2019. The end of a decade and the end of a year it was. At the stroke of midnight we ushered in 2020, with celebrations I bet. A year that was so promising right from the start, t”
Thank you Oliver. We live and learn.